In October, the #TeamCOPEG had the opportunity to receive a visit of fourteen students and their professor from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Panama. It was a real pleasure for us to be able to share our work with them.

During their stay, the students had the opportunity to see our facilities and learn something about the preparation of the Insect Diet. They also witnessed a land release demonstration conducted by Field Methods Development team in the lagoon area. In addition, they had the opportunity to perform insect identification tests with the help of experts from Livestock Screwworm Diagnostic and Identification Unit (DIU).

Our General Directors, Dr. Enrique Samudio for Panama and Dr.Maria Celia Antognoli for the USA, as well as our Technical Directors, Dr. Rafael González for Panama and MS Pamela Phillips from the USA, offered words of motivation to the students. They reminded them of the importance of continuing to learn and grow in their career, especially in a field as challenging as veterinary medicine.

We thank the students and their professor from the University of Panama for their visit and we hope you enjoyed this pleasant experience as much as we did. We wish you all the best in your career as a veterinarian!